E8 Yoga


Yoga Instruction

About Us

Welcome to E8 Yoga. A community within yours where our teachers aspire to engage you, empower you and others through practice where the foundation of what we do comes from who we truly are.

Local . Longmont . Love

Our Mission

The word ‘yoga’ translates as ‘union'. This suggests that there is a separation and a need for the practitioner to ‘come together’ to become whole again.

At E8 YOGA we focus on the simple fact that wholeness is our natural state of being—and we honor that fact. By honoring this fundamental truth, we remove the need to improve and divert all our energy toward accepting and surrendering to who we are and how everything is.

There is not much to it. Simple yet profound.

Our mission is to make available to everyone this self-empowering tool we call Yoga in which self-discovery is knowing with the whole body that nothing needs to be unified, and we are already whole as we are.