Join the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce and partners for an inside look into what's going on in Longmont, CO. This State of the City address will discuss key areas related to business, community and the upcoming election cycle. Keynote speakers include Harold Dominguez, the Longmont Downtown Development Authority and interviews with city council candidates.
8:30 AM: Coffee + Light Refreshments
9:00 AM: Keynote Speaker - Harold Dominguez, City of Longmont City Manager. Learn what's new in Longmont in regards to transportation, infrastructure, growth, and what to look forward to in 2024.
9:45 AM: Economic Partner Panel exploring What small businesses are experiencing, how primary employers feel about Longmont, and what is new in the downtown.
- Chris McGilvray, Board Member, Longmont Downtown Development Authority
- Valerie Dodd, Board Member, Longmont Economic Development Partnership
- Scott Cook, CEO, Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce
10:15 AM: End of Speakers
10:30 AM: City Council Candidate Interviews for Ward 1, Ward 3, At-Large and Mayor. Guests are invited to stay and hear from the candidates, but this is not a formal part of the State of the City event. The interviews will be recorded and shared with the community.
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