NextLight | Longmont's Gig Internet
- 1100 S. Sherman Street Longmont CO 80501
- 303-774-4494
- 303-651-8796
- Send Email
- www.longmontcolorado.gov/lpc
Office open 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. See www.longmontcolorado.gov/lpc for phone hours
About Us
Longmont Power & Communications (LPC) is Longmont's community-owned electric and NextLight™ internet service provider.
• The City's municipal electric utility since 1912, providing solid reliability at some of the lowest rates in Colorado.
• Offers opportunities for businesses to save money and energy through Efficiency Works™, including free facility assessments for Longmont businesses and rebates to offset improvement costs. Call 303-651-8386.
• Customized electric service available for all business needs.
• Offers residential customers $60 home energy audits through Efficiency Works (a $325 savings). Residents can also receive rebates and find energy-saving devices for sale at efficiencyworksstore.com. For details, call 877-981-1888 (residential).
• Derives 1/3 of its energy from non-carbon sources and has a goal to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030, while maintaining reliable and affordable power.
• Providing gigabit uploads and downloads to Longmont homes and businesses since 2014, with no data caps or contracts.
• Digital Voice phone service available for home and business.
• Customized internet service available for all business needs.
• Named Community Broadband Project of the Year by the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (2017).
• Recognized by PC Magazine as the fastest ISP in the US (2018).
• Ranked by BroadbandNow as one of the most affordable ISPs in the nation (2019).
• Call 303-774-4494 to subscribe. Subscribers can refer a friend to get FREE NextLight service; call for details.
- Discover more about Longmonts award-winning NextLight service.
- Why should your business be interested in NextLight? Heres 10 reasons why.
- Details on LPCs low electric rates.
- Learn more about Efficiency Works for business.
- Sign up to invest in wind energy through the Renewable Power Purchase Program.